Thursday, January 27, 2011

Lil' Jay is turning ONE!

Owh, Jasmeen..
why the long face..?
your birthday is coming up p-r-e-t-t-y soon!

Yup! That's more like it, dear..
you gonna get a lot of gifts..
with balloons and a lot of cheer..
your auntie (ME) will come with a kiss..
and a Birthday Card painted by her!

Yay! Again!

I found a very cute dragon fly sticker in a bookstore the other day.. and I know it'll look so cool on my hand- painted card. Owh.. it's just so lovely :). Hope she'll love it too.. well, maybe she could appreciate it even more when she has grown up. 

So there.. another 1 year old hand-painted birthday Card I make in January..and the client was.. ME&hubby!

Oh, another thing- I'm done being a 'bag lady' about a week.. haha! I mean, my 45pcs ecobags for the "Mom's Day Out" Event are DONE and so ready to be sent to my client! So.. another Yay! for me.



mrs jamal said...

ala la..shomelnyer..geram tengok

DoodleDesign said...

hihii.. i know.. i pun geram kat dia.

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