Sunday, May 22, 2011

When it Rains..

My heart and prayer go to the blessed souls of the orphans who died in the landslide yesterday in Kampung Gahal, Ulu Langat. Many believed the rainfall has caused the landslide. Until today, people are still searching for the bodies. Made me think how fragile this borrowed life is..

At the same time, Illustration Friday theme this time is SOAKED. How appropriate.

Everything in life comes in pairs- good & bad, yin & yang, positive & negative, pros & cons.... etc. That's how God has made things. Depending on the situations.. rain can be either way too.

While the news above made me feel sad, the word SOAKED made me recall a wet kitten in the rain.  It's funny how a fluffy furry cat could be so very thin and tiny when it's wet.

I remember when I was small, I found a wet kitten in the rain. She was all dirty and thin. But guess what happened when she was all dried up? Yup, she was the biggest fur ball & cutest kitten ever :)

Watercolor & Ink + Photoshop
Take care, everyone...


Jehanne's doodles said...

Love the sketch and the final illustration. Fully animals are rather funny when they are wet.

Unknown said...

Love this...very cute...poor kitty...

Hannah said...

Naw, how sweet. I love her hat :)

Heather said...

this is a very sweet memory you have illsutrated. and yes, it's so funny to see a wet cat! they are just the cutest!

Christine said...

such a cute sketch inspired by 'soaked'. Terrible about the tragedy in Malaysia, you are so right about life.

EVA said...

Fabulous sketch and so true - a wet cat/kitten looks so sad and different from their fluffy playful selves.

Debbie said...

such a cute cute sketch! I think you captured the kitty's expression so perfectly! I love everything about this one!

Joni Nickrent said...

Awesome sketch and love the colors!

Julia Christie said...

Sooo cute! love all that color!


Kristin Dudish said...

This is such a sweet drawing... I love the soaked kitty under the shelter of a leaf... so, so cute!

Melisa said...

Aw, that is precious!

Heather Foust said...

This is the sweetest drawing. I love the expression on the kittens face.

MrBibleHead said...

Awww! This is adorable! You did a fantastic job on making the kitty looked drenched! Nice one E.T.

Ray Ferguson said...

Great illustration! I had a similar idea with a soaked cat!

ayu jamal said...

wow...cutenya..suka yang mcm ni..nampak hidup kan

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