Monday, February 13, 2012

5 Winners of DoodleDesign's GA#3 Challenge!!!

"Better late than Never", they say...

... Now, after almost 2 weeks, I'm here to announce my 5 Top Winners for the latest 2012 GA @ DoodleDesign.

I love reading each and every entries. I even did a survey among my family members to get votes for the BEST 5 entries that really suited the little bird's picture & expression.

Without further ado, here are WiNNERS:

1) ArtVenture Kids of

2) Chot

4) Black Pumpkin of

and last but not least,

5) Ani Haryati

I'll get in touch with you guys soon to get your home address and post/ email a little something- something as my humble gifts for you... :)

So, CONGRATULATIONS to the Winners! 

Again, THANK U thank u THANK U... for your kind participation :).


artventurekids said...

Yeye.. menang.. TQVM ET!!

Ildiko said...

thank you so much!
congrats everyone!loved reading your thoughts!haha

Unknown said...

Wow!! It's the first giveawy I win!!! I'm so excited!! Thank you so much, dear!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to all the winners.
A little ditty for ET.


In this journey called life
I stumbled and I fumbled

People looked on with glee,
asked whom did I parry,

Is it an elf, a fairy
or a gnome?

In the face of love,
I answered squarely,
Why, none of the above
of course

I married an alien
who took me home


Anonymous said...

Congrats to all winnerss..Please do more contest!!!heheheh

DoodleDesign said...

to Artventurekids, Ildiko & BlackPumpkin- Glad to make you day! And again, Congrats and thank you for joining my GA#3. :D

codex... awww.... u r so sweet *blush blush*. (i no need to phone home anymore...since u came 2 my life.. (Phew! i cud feel people r puking over us, now- hahaaa)

kalerpalette- sure sure.. will do.. will do... hey, how come u didn't join this one, haa?

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